Reverend Sex (aka Rev. Alba Onofrio) is a Queer Evangelical Femme who lives and loves in la Lucha with QTPOC folks as a Spiritual Healer and Bruja Troublemaker to combat spiritual terrorism, reclaim Guad, and eradicate shame and fear wherever they are found.
In the legacy of Audre Lorde's work on the deep transformative power of the erotic, Reverend Sex accompanies Queer & Trans family in their process of naming and honoring their personal desires in the face of spiritual domination in order to thwart the systems of power that seek to control our minds and bodies through guilt and shame, coercion, fear and violence. Working with subversive scripture and rituals from Christian traditions, Reverend Sex builds out spiritual discipline practices with body-centered prayers, songs, rites of passage, written curriculum, and personalized sessions.
As the Spiritual Strategist for Soulforce and a Co-founder of the Sexual Liberation Collective, Reverend Sex works with small groups and one-on-one to decode white Christian Supremacy and heal internalized religious-based trauma in order to rebuild our ethics and reclaim our sacred desires and spiritual practices. They also serve as Evangelist minister at Jubilee Interfaith Community in Asheville, NC.
Contact Reverend Sex to inquire about workshops, speaking engagements, interviews, and personalized sessions to experience the Gospel of the Erotic, and to unlock potential, most authentic truths, in order to maximize our agency and amplify our erotic power for individual and collective liberation.
The Good Reverend
Reverend Sex's Ministries
The practice of decolonizing our sex and spirits is hard, life-long work, but until we can maximize the power of the erotic and live into our own agency, we will never fully manifest the world we want to live in (and the sex we want to have!).
Spiritual discipline is a long-term engagement with rigorous practices of self-exploration, decolonization, and healing. Reverend Sex offers a limited number of personalized spiritual discipline courses for a fee — write the Reverend for more information.
Workshops & Speaking Engagements
With Soulforce, Reverend Sex offers workshops and speaking engagements on Christian supremacy, spiritual violence, and reclaiming spirit. With the Sexual Liberation Collective, Reverend Sex offers workshops, healing spaces, and play parties. Reverend Sex also preaches quarterly at Jubilee.
Workshops and speaking engagements can be tailored to any size and topic, either solo or as part of one of our spiritual homes. Write the Reverend for more information.
One-on-One Spiritual Accompaniment
Reverend Sex offers sliding-scale, one-on-one appointments for spiritual accompan-iment to talk through questions about bodies, sex, desire, and God. Sign up for the bulletin to be notified when the calendar feature becomes available, or write the Reverend directly about spiritual accompaniment sessions and availability. Don't forget to visit the Confessional to learn more about the specific kind of healing work offered.