Teología Sin Vergüenza es un podcast para dar a conocer personas que son descaradamente Cristianas o teólogas y también descaradamente activistas y/o personas cuir. Estas personas le dan lenguaje teológico a la resistencia feminista cuir que ha sido excluida de los discursos Cristianos patriarcales. En este podcast encontrarás herramientas para defenderte de discursos cristianos opresivos y para adelantar las agendas para la liberación de las personas marginalizadas por razón de su género, identidad y orientación sexual. Somos las sinvergüenzas, producimos teología que hace venir la justicia.
Past Events
Sex Down South Conference
Two workshops: "Reclaiming Our Desire Through Spiritual Discipline and the Gospel of the Erotic", and "Sex-Positive Parenting". Registration required.
September 6-7th, 2019
Hilton Atlanta: 255 Courtland St. NE, Atlanta, GA 30303
Registration required. Visit: https://www.sexdownsouthatl.com/
Creating Change Conference
January 24-28, 2018
The Marriott Wardman - 2660 Woodley Rd NW, Washington, DC 20008
The U.S.'s largest LGBTQ activist conference for community- and skills-building, celebrating its 30th anniversary.
Visit: www.creatingchange.org
Wild Goose Festival
A four-day art, music, and story-driven experience grounded in faith-inspired social justice. Registration required.
July 12-15th, 2018 & July 10-14th, 2019
Hot Springs, NC
Registration required. Visit: http://wildgoosefestival.org/
Mystic Soul Conference
January 11-13, 2018
North Park University - 3225 W Foster Ave, Chicago, IL 60625
A People of Color-Centered gathering of voices, practices & dialogue on contemplation, action and healing.
Visit: www.mysticsoulproject.org
Preaching at Jubilee! Celebration
February 18, 2018 - 9:45AM & 11:15AM
46 Wall St, Asheville, NC 28801
Visit: www.jubileecommunity.org
Allied Media Conference
A collaborative laboratory of media-based organizing strategies.
June 14-17th, 2018
Wayne State University, Detroit MI
Registration required. Visit: https://www.alliedmedia.org/amc